The destination: fresh breeze at the most northern point of South America, snow-capped peaks of the highest coastal mountains in the world and enchanting Caribbean towns – Colombia’s Caribbean Coast simply has it all!
Visitors can combine relaxation and action, luxury and simplicity, culture and adventure as they please. You find white beaches and crystal-clear waters on the Caribbean islands, water sports like surfing or scuba diving all along the coastline, hikes through lush green tropical rainforests in the Sierra Nevada and discover desert landscapes in La Guajira.
The people: Costeños [kos 'te ɲos] are probably the most welcoming people and make you feel like an old friend from the moment you meet. Go with the flow of their joyfulness and rhythms of African origins.
Typical food: coconut rice, cayeye [ka 'ye ye] = mashed green bananas
Fun fact: The Pico de Cristóbal Colon ist the highest coastal mountain peak in the world, with 5.730 meters above sea level, only 42 km away from the ocean.
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